Research Article
Learning about children’s rights through engaging visual stories promoting in-class dialogue
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1 School of Technology and Science, Hellenic Open University, Patras, GREECE* Corresponding Author
European Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Education, 6(2), July 2025, e02504,
Submitted: 14 January 2025, Published Online: 08 March 2025, Published: 01 July 2025
OPEN ACCESS 184 Views 81 Downloads
This paper presents a game-ish approach which helps young students in the early elementary school classes to learn about their rights. Our research path involved utilizing short visual stories accompanied by relevant questions. These stories are accessible through the web. The supporting viewing mechanism can be operated in both individual and collaborative modes and ultimately offers suggestions for the topics that students should focus on for further study. The paper presents the approach, the evaluation methodology and the results of utilizing the visual stories to a cohort of 50 children and 6 teachers. The approach employed pre- and post-intervention assessments to get an estimate of the students’ understanding, along with questionnaires to gather the teachers’ perspectives. The evaluation results indicate that the stories enhance students’ motivation and engagement, ultimately leading to an improvement in their knowledge and they help to efficiently initiate a dialogue among the participants.
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